(function(window) { 'use strict'; new ExceptionHandler(); window.app = window.app || {}; app.HelpPageFactory = Polymer({ is: 'help-page', behaviors: [ Chrome.LocalizeBehavior, ], properties: { githubPath: { type: String, value: function() { return app.Utils.getGithubPath(); }, readOnly: true, }, githubPagesPath: { type: String, value: function() { return app.Utils.getGithubPagesPath(); }, readOnly: true, }, }, /** * computed binding: Get a mailto url * @param {string} subject - email subject * @returns {string} url * @private */ _computeMailToUrl: function(subject) { return app.Utils.getEmailUrl(subject, app.Utils.getEmailBody()); }, /** * computed binding: Get the extension version * @returns {string} Version of the extension * @private */ _computeVersion: function() { const text = Chrome.Utils.getVersion(); return encodeURIComponent(text); }, }); })(window);