An image failed to load
Maximum number of slides to create
@remarks Actual number will be the smaller of this and the total number of photos
Type for between photo animation
Delay before showing first slide in milli secs
Flag to indicate if we have no valid photos
Flag to indicate if slideshow is paused
Array of SSPhoto in the views
Slide repeat template
Label for current time
Type for photo appearance
Called when the element is added to a document. Can be called multiple times during the lifetime of an element.
Called when the element is removed from a document. Can be called multiple times during the lifetime of an element.
Dispatch an event
event name
optional value
Get max number of slides
Get the photos currently in the slides
Get the selected photo
The selected photo, undefined if non selected
Get the index of the selected slide
The index of the current slide, -1 if none selected
Get the slide at the given index
Get the number of slides
Do we have a photo that is loaded
Do we have usable photos
Is the given idx the selected slide
index into photos
true if selected
Launch the slide show
Simple Observer: Paused state changed
new value
old value
Called during Polymer-specific element initialization. Called once, the first time the element is attached to the document.
Replace the photo in all the slides but the current animation pair
Replace the slide photo at the given index
new photo
index to replace
Set the state when no photos are available
Set the paused state of the slideshow
Set the selected index of the pages
slide index
Set the time label
Setup timer for time label
Update the url in all the slides
Photos whose url's have changed
Get between photo's animation
Get slide appearance
Localize a string
name from _locales
optional default value if name not found
Set the window zoom factor to 1.0
Setup face detection
Generated using TypeDoc
Polymer element to display a screensaver