Default photo filter
Max albums to use
Max photos per album to use
Max photos for google images mode
Max photos total to use for album mode
No filtering
Fetch the albums or photos for this source
An array of albums or array of photos
Get a human readable description
Get extra argument
Get the photos from local storage
the source's photos
Get the photos key that is persisted
Get use key name
Get if we should update daily
Get if we should limit updates when possible
Process the photo source.
Determine if this source has been selected for display
true if selected
Add a IPhoto to an existing Array
The array to add to
The url to the photo
The photographer
The aspect ratio of the photo
Additional information about the photo
An optional geolocation
Create a geo point string from a latitude and longitude
'lat lon'
Fetch the most recent state for the selected albums
Array of albums
Get the image size to retrieve
info on image
image size
Has the Google auth token been revoked
Error to check
calling method
Return true if we should be fetching from Google: trying to minimize Google Photos API usage
Determine if a mediaEntry is an image
Google Photos media object
true if entry is a photo
Retrieve a Google Photos album
Unique Album ID
Album name
An album
Retrieve the user's list of albums
Array of albums
Reload the saved albums from the Web
The array of album selections
Load photos based on a filter
The array of photos
Load the given array of unique photo id's from Google Photos
array of ids
An array of photos
Get a photo from a mediaItem
object from Google Photos API call
Album name
photo or undefined
Extract the photos into an Array
objects from Google Photos API call
optional Album name
An array of photos
Update the baseUrls of the given photos in the saved albums
photos to update
false if couldn't persist albumSelections
Update the baseUrls of the given photos
photos to update
false if couldn't persist albumSelections
Update the baseUrls of the given photos in the saved photos
photos to update
false if couldn't persist googleImages
Generated using TypeDoc
A source of photos from Google Photos