Backup one slide
Forward one slide
Get the index of the next view to display
index to start search at
The index to display next, -1 if none are ready
Is the given idx a part of the current animation pair
true if selected or last selected
Is interactive mode allowed
true if allowed
Are we paused
true if paused
Has the first page run
if animation has started
Replace the photo at the given index with the next SSPhoto
index to replace
Restart the slideshow
optional idx to use for current idx
Self called at fixed time intervals to cycle through the photos
override selected, if not null
Set next selected index
replace index
Set wait time between runShow calls in milliSecs
wait time for next attempt to get photo
Start the slideshow
delay before start
Increment the slide show manually
optional idx to use for current idx
Stop the animation
Toggle paused state of the slideshow
optional idx to use for current idx on restart
Instance variables
is keyboard interaction allowed to move through slides
last selected slide
is screensaver paused
slide to replace with next photo
is slideshow started
id of current setTimeout
normal photo transition time in milliSecs
wait time when looking for loaded photo in milliSecs
Generated using TypeDoc
Control the running of a Screensaver